What is a diaversary?
It is the anniversary of a diabetes diagnosis, and a chance to celebrate progress and growth over the year.
A diaversary is a chance to celebrate your successes managing the 24/7 requirements of Type 1 Diabetes. People impacted by Type 1 Diabetes make an extra 180 decisions every day. Do you celebrate your diaversary? We always do!
Order a card for you or the T1D in your life at least a month in advance of the diaversary date. We will mail cards around the 20th of the month prior, so for March cards the mailing date would be February 20th. Follow us on Facebook for updates, we won't be emailing individual mail confirmations due to volume. Cards are for residents of the United States only at this time.
Elbowbumpkid Inc is excited to work in partnership with The Birthday Giving Program nonprofit and our corporate partners. Feel free to contact samantha@elbowbumpkidinc.org if you have any questions or are interested in making cards to support our T1D community. Please support our program by donating via the link on our website.

Order a diaversary card for
the amazing T1D in your life!
Please fill out the information below for the person
who will receive the card.